Being Just Melody, Fashion & Style

Unlimited Jewelry with Rocksbox! + One Month FREE

Do you love accessories? Then you are in for a treat with the this great designer jewelry service that allows you to borrow gorgeous pieces directly to your mailbox.

I tend to get stuck in a rut wearing the same pieces of jewelry and get commitment anxiety when it’s tie to shop for new accessories. Is it worth it to buy something, if you’re not going to wear it often? Well whether you are an occasional jewelry wearer or accessory obsessed, Rocksbox is a perfect solution for you.

I signed up this month for Rocksbox and my first box arrived within a few days with these three beautiful and fun pieces.


Trina Turk Double Triangle Flex Bracelet | SLATE Pavé Triangle Earrings | Gorjana Knox Pave Bar Necklace

Each piece is beautiful and perfect for my style, I am very pleased with the items sent this month with pieces that I may not have chosen for my self while shopping. The best part is, if I love it, I can buy it! But if I don’t I can send it back and receive a fabulous new set of accessories. No malls, no stores, and definitely no hefty price tag!

So how does Rocksbox work?

  1. BECOME A SHINE INSIDER Take the style survey and add items to your jewelry Wish List.
  2. GET 3 PIECES TO WEAR ON LOAN Each piece is hand-selected for you based on your style and specific requests. Wear your pieces as much as you want!
  3. RETURN ANYTIME TO GET 3 NEW PIECES Return your Rocksbox pieces anytime and as often as you like. Every set has 3 pieces of designer jewelry, worth an average of $200 per set. For ONLY $19 per month.


Sign up TODAY at



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