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FITNESS UPDATE | Part II: Diet & Supplements!

You know how the saying goes… You can’t out-exercise bad eating. Trust me, I tried… and failed. So, I finally got on the clean eating train.  The bulk of the weight loss came from changing my diet drastically! It took baby steps in the process so I didn’t just jump head first into it. Now it has become a lifestyle change and I’m more accustomed to it.

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FITNESS UPDATE | Part I: Weight Loss & Exercise!

It’s been 7 months since I decided to make that change… I have always been generally a thin person. I first experienced weight gain right after I graduated college. What freshman 15? I gained the senior 30! I went from walking around the beautiful LSU campus everyday to sitting at a desk all day and eating whatever was in arms reach. So I packed on the pounds hitting about 174. There is virtually no photographic evidence of this, I hid from cameras at that time or I have burned them!

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Being Just Melody, Fitness

Workout Mash Up!

Here’s a look at some of my recent workouts with Jo! Hope you find some motivation or ideas for your healthy lifestyle.

We’ve incorporated weighted ropes, TRX bands, the Bosu ball and medicine ball. Working on the legs, arms, back and abs!

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